Tactical Gear will not be released on the #26.1 Live Server. We've used the Test Server to analyze potential gameplay changes resulting from modifications to Tactical Gear's acquisition method and performance, and in conclusion, based on your invaluable feedback and our internal data analysis, we've decided to go back to carefully considering the future integration of this feature. We're committed to continuously seeking your insights for any gameplay-affecting updates through our Test Servers.
Adjusted map probability for random map regions based on player feedback.
(PC) Fixed the issue preventing the activation of the client's anti-aliasing graphic setting following a Death Cam view or during a replay pause.
(PC) Fixed the issue causing the generation of two replays after viewing the Death Cam during spectating.
Map Service
※ Please note that PC players can anticipate map changes every Wednesday at 2 AM UTC, while Console players can expect the same every Thursday at 7 AM UTC.
※ Map matching probability for Random Map regions: Erangel 40% / Larger maps (excluding Erangel) 20% / Smaller maps 10%
The map service for Ranked is updated on a season-by-season basis.
※ Please note that the features and updates described below are subject to change or removal due to issues such as bugs, in-game problems, and community feedback. The images used are intended as visual references only; the actual game may look different as the builds are continually developed and refined before release.
Tactical Gear
Dev's comment: Tactical Gear returns this update.
Following its temporary removal in Update 25.2, we embarked on an in-depth review of the acquisition methods and the overarching influence and balance of Tactical Gear. Foremost, we recognized that providing every player with Tactical Gear detracted from the foundational gameplay experience of players landing unarmed and scavenging for items - LAND, LOOT, SURVIVE.
And thus, after carefully considering your feedback and our internal metrics, we're reintroducing Tactical Gear (with the balanced version of specific gear that gave away excessive information during the match) as a world-spawn item starting with the 26.1 Test Server.
The Test Server launches today. We encourage you to try out the updated Tactical Gear and share your thoughts.
General Changes
Tactical Gear will now world-spawn individually throughout the map.
Acquired Tactical Gear is stored directly in your Inventory.
Equipped Tactical Gear will occupy the sixth slot in the Inventory.
There's a brief delay while equipping, which you can cancel.
You can loot multiple Tactical Gear, but only one can be equipped.
An equipped Tactical Gear cannot be dropped.
If you re-enter the match after a Comeback BR or through the Recall system, your previous Tactical Gear is removed, allowing for a new one to be equipped.
Tactical Gear can be stored in vehicle trunks and Tactical Packs.
Max distance: 200m → 150m
Increased acceleration noise volume.
Added a smoke effect to destroyed Drones.
An icon indicating the destroyed Drone's location has been added, visible on your screen when you have the Drone Tablet equipped.
Drones cannot be deployed when you are in a prone position.
Spotter Scope
Marker duration: 7 seconds → 5 seconds
Marking enemies concealed by smoke is no longer possible.
Pre-existing markers will remain visible even if the enemy move into smoke.
This applies to both Smoke Grenades and the M79.
※ The following updates apply to every mode.
Area Modifications
We have enhanced areas near the center of the Erangel map that are less frequently explored by players. Stalber and the submerged village have been visually refreshed, Mylta has been given a makeover that retains its essence while offering a fresh perspective, and Ruins and Georgopol have been optimized for smoother gameplay with improved loot distribution and navigation options.
Reorganized the area by adopting an astronomical observatory theme with a dome looking up at the sky.
Revamped the entire layout, introducing new structures and looting spots.
The surrounding landscape has been enhanced for better accessibility.
Reorganized the submerged village located between Rozhok and Ruins into a harbor themed area.
Enhanced the entire layout, introducing new structures.
Named it Boatyard on the Minimap.
Revamped the entire layout to provide better accessibility when looting.
Enhanced the surrounding landscape for better vehicle accessibility.
Added a dirt road leading inside Ruins.
Made some minor tweaks to the shape of the interior ruins.
Blending old and new concepts, we reorganized the area into a town with a stream of water in the center and cornfields.
Enhanced the general layout and looting efficiency.
Added trees on the beach to provide more cover.
Modified the overall layout, relocating some buildings.
Enhanced the surrounding landscape.
Added cover such as abandoned cars and trees.
Dev's comment: Erangel stands as the heart and soul of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS - we believe it is a cherished map that stirs nostalgia for many of our players. Therefore, working on its update, given its iconic status, was definitely challenging. Yet, as PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS evolves, we recognized the importance of ushering Erangel into the same progressive journey.
In this update, our mission was to blend Erangel's intrinsic charm with enhancements that elevate the player experience without losing the map's foundational essence.
We began with the heart of the map, focusing on central areas which, in spite of their strategic locations, were often overlooked. After analyzing the pros and cons of these lesser-visited places, we've added some freshness into them - areas that were once generic have now been transformed with unique themes, designed to draw you in. We've also fine-tuned various elements based on player feedback to create even more dynamic combat scenarios.
We hope these refinements broaden the strategic scope, from early-game looting to crucial late-game tactics. We remain committed to enhancing Erangel, introducing new elements while amplifying the existing attributes that render Erangel truly iconic.
Secret Room
Accessible only through underground entrances in Erangel's natural surroundings, Erangel's Secret Rooms have been untouched for a long time. Only the sharpest players will have the opportunity to obtain rare items from Secret Rooms. Make sure to leave before enemies arrive since engagements here can be quite deadly!
Secret Rooms containing high-value items have been added throughout Erangel.
Secret Rooms can be accessed using the world-spawned Secret Room Keys.
Available in Normal and Custom Matches.
Added and adjusted a small number of vehicle spawn spots in Normal Match and Ranked.
In alignment with the above changes, the World Map and Minimap have been updated.
Refined the landscape and added some trees that can be used for cover.
Adjusted the height of some containers.
Optimized overall object textures.
World Misc.
Removed the Aston Martin containers from starting areas.
Collaboration: KFC
Finger Lickin' goodness meets PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS! KFC, renowned for serving the finest Chicken Dinners, has landed in Erangel. Explore KFC stores on the revamped Erangel map and keep an eye out for upcoming KFC events!
Erangel's gas stations have transformed into KFC stores.
You can obtain exclusive KFC Chicken Combos from kiosks nestled inside KFC stores.
Engage with the kiosk using the Interaction Key.
After your order is placed, your nickname will appear on the order number display board as your KFC Chicken Combo spawns on the counter.
Each player may use the kiosk once per KFC store and once more after entering Phase 4.
You can earn the following items with the KFC Chicken Combo:
KFC Chicken Bucket
Functions like the First Aid Kit and showcases your character savoring the chicken leg when consumed.
KFC Secret Recipe Fries
Functions like the Bandage and showcases your character enjoying the fries when consumed.
KFC Drink
Functions like the Energy Drink.
The KFC stores in Erangel are available for one month.
KFC billboards have been added to Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi.
KFC banners have been added to starting planes for Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi, Karakin, Taego, and Deston.
Thermal 4x Scope
Will no longer world-spawn and instead spawn in certain areas such as in Care Packages, Secret Rooms, Lab Camps, and Supply Drops.
Dev's comment: Since its introduction, the Thermal 4x Scope - capable of detecting enemies hidden in smoke, darkness, and foliage - has demonstrated impressive efficiency. We've noted a trend where this scope became increasingly pivotal, especially in end-game scenarios where smoke tactics become vital. Additionally, the Thermal 4x Scope played a significant role in many long-range engagements. Additionally, as this item is relatively discovered frequently as a world-spawn item, we believe this is likely to have influenced the situations mentioned above.
Therefore, coupled with consistent player feedback on its potency, we've decided to modify the item's spawn method - in order to preserve the distinct feature of the item that detects heat, we aim to decrease the appearance frequency of the Thermal 4x Scope, making it a more sought-after and rare item instead of modifying its performance.
Added team numbers to killfeeds and match logs in Normal Match and Ranked.
Team numbers are also displayed in replay and observer/spectator modes, but not in streamer mode.
Applies to Normal Match, Ranked, Intense Battle Royale, and Custom Match modes.
Displayed regardless of whether the Clan name is present or not.
Not displayed on the system message shown in the center of the screen.
Dev Comment: As outlined in our Roadmap previously announced in March, we are dedicated to narrowing the gap between Esports, Ranked, and Normal Match. As a direct response to our goals and player suggestions, we are adding team numbers to both killfeeds and match logs through this update.
In the realm of Esports, keeping track of team numbers to strategize effectively demands a high degree of concentration and discernment. However, it is also one of the exhilarating aspects of PUBG. Even for players who may not yet feel entirely confident in combat, the inclusion of team numbers enables them to contribute to their team's success. With this update, our aim is to encourage more intricate and collaborative teamwork among players.
Ranked - Season 26
The leaderboard will reset after the Live Server maintenance.
Check out your final Tier from the previous season through your Career page.
Season 25 Rewards
Below are the rewards you'll be receiving based on your final Tier from the previous Ranked season.
Bronze PUBG ID Emblem
Silver PUBG ID Emblem
Gold PUBG ID Emblem
Ranked Parachute Skin
Animated Platinum PUBG ID Emblem
Ranked Parachute Skin
Platinum Medal
Animated Diamond PUBG ID Emblem
Ranked Parachute Skin
Platinum, Diamond Medal
Animated Master PUBG ID Emblem
Animated Master Nameplate
Ranked Parachute Skin
Platinum, Diamond, Master Medal
Top 500
Bonus rewards for Top 500 players:
Animated Top 500 PUBG ID Emblem
Animated Top 500 Nameplate
TheParachute skin and Medals are permanent rewards.
The rest of the obtainable rewards are available for use during a single Ranked season.
Rewards can be found in your Inventory once Season 26 starts.
Once Season 26 is over and the server undergoes maintenance, every reward but the Parachute and Medal will be withdrawn from your Edit Profile page.
Along with the Erangel updates, we've added Ruins and removed Stalber for Team Deathmatch.
Custom Match
Made changes to the Custom Match settings to align with Erangel's update.
Team Deathmatch
Added Ruins preset.
Removed Stalber preset.
War Mode: Conquest
Updated Mylta.
Removed Stalber.
Zombie Mode - Erangel
Adjusted player starting positions.
Match Report
Refined the Match Report to enhance its usability.
Overview and Weapons pages have been reorganized, and Stats page has been added.
Applies to Normal Match and Ranked.
Ranked results (rank/RP and change) and playtime are now displayed at the top of the Match Report.
Overview Page
Number of assists
Number of times you revived a teammate
My Weapon Stats
Percentage of hits per body area
Kills, Headshot Kills, Knockdowns Achieved, and Longest Kills
Dev Comment: Through Update 26.1, we aim to address known issues of the Match Report, which should serve as a tool to illustrate the course of a match and incorporate content that players wish to see. In doing so, we have eliminated repetitive information from Match Report, which will still be accessible on the End of Match screen.
Our goal with these changes is to provide players with clearer insights into their shooting performance, allowing them to reflect on their gunplay. By adding stats of revives and assists to the Match Report, we also aim to offer players a quick overview of their contributions to the team. We hope this will promote teamwork and enable players to conduct more thorough assessments of their own gameplay for improvement.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Drones are deployed below the landscape on inclined terrains.
Fixed the issue of throwables not being able to pass through Aston Martin "DBX707" SUV windows.
Fixed the issue to prevent the simultaneous use of healing/boost items and primary gunplay actions when using the Interaction key.
Fixed the narrowing ignition range issue when a Smoke Grenade is affixed to a tree.
(PC) Fixed the issue where, during Replays, characters appear stationary during their initial descent.
(PC) Fixed the issue where, in both Death Cams and Replays, if a character's vehicle dismount has been captured, the character appears stationary upon dismounting.
(PC) Fixed the issue where you experience abnormal zooming speeds (using the mouse wheel) when simultaneously using a 6x or higher Scope with a Canted Sight.
Fixed collision, texture, performance, and some other general Taego and Karakin issues.
Fixed the text's and icon's misalignment issue when viewing the Prime Parcel without owning it.
Fixed a display issue in the lobby with the custom lobby skin - Showroom equipped.
Fixed the text color inconsistency in the Bunny Patrol - Contraband Crate when obtaining the Chroma; the "Ultimate" text was erroneously shown in red (Legendary).
Fixed the issue where the killfeed icon stretched horizontally after a player was knocked out or killed by a Mortar.
(PC) Corrected a typo in the "Player's movement seemed unusually fast" phrase for the Portuguese (Brazil) language in the Report Player option.
(PC) Fixed the issue so the mission list now displays correctly after rejoining a match.
(PC) Fixed the intermittent issues with the End of Match screen not appearing post-match.
(Console) Fixed the issue where the pointer would disappear after scrolling and selecting and closing a filter when attempting to Disassemble/Repurpose in the Workshop.
(Console) Fixed the issue where you were unable to join a team when your Team Invite option is set to "Block All".
(Console) Fixed the freezing issue when selecting a random Wheels skin for the Aston Martin vehicle on the PlayStation® platform.
Items & Skins
Fixed the issue where an earring is visible on the screen when in ADS with the Hairstyle 45 equipped.
Fixed the issue where parts of the legs turn transparent when a female character equips the B.A.S.A. Bunny Outfit/Moon Rabbit Outfit with certain shoes.
(PC) Fixed the inconsistent appearance in how the Moon Lizard's Gloves appeared when equipped.
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