Hello players,
On April 5th, the third episode of our PUBG Care Package series was streamed live in Korea. Originally planned as a global event, we encountered some logistical challenges during preparation, leading us to limit the scope to the Korean region. Nonetheless, we are eager to share the highlights from this episode through a VOD and this blog post for those who couldn't catch the live broadcast.
Episode 1 explored significant changes within the gunplay ecosystem, including adjustments to weapons like the AUG and Dragunov. Discussions also extended to dynamic map elements, such as the Blizzard Zone and Sandstorm, alongside the discourse on the removal of Tactical Gear.
A significant focus was the recent reduction in the effectiveness of Shotguns, which previously accounted for roughly 17.8% of all firearm-related kills. Since these adjustments, the Shotgun kill rate has decreased by about 5%, and continuous monitoring is in place to evaluate the need for further modifications.
The Destructible Terrain feature, introduced in Update 29.1, is currently available exclusively on Rondo. This is part of our strategy to deploy new functionalities on specific maps first to carefully monitor and evaluate their impact.
As previously outlined, our intention is to consistently update gunplay every two months. We are committed to enhancing the usability of a variety of lesser-used firearms. In particular, the SMG Rebalance is designed not just to increase their usage rate but to emphasize the unique attributes that SMGs bring to the game.
We are investing significant development resources into Unreal Engine 5. While it is challenging to provide a definitive release date, we are dedicated to achieving the visual standards our players expect. We are hopeful about sharing our progress within this year, focusing on maximizing visual appeal while ensuring optimal performance.
We aim to enable players to create and enjoy their own game modes with friends, but confirming a release date for this feature within the next year remains difficult.
Q. When will Tactical Gear return?
A. Many players have expressed a desire to see Tactical Gear return, even in a less powerful form. After considerable deliberation, we plan to announce updates related to Tactical Gear shortly.
Q. Can you expand the uses for BP?
A. We are currently discussing ways to expand the uses of BP to enhance its utility across various aspects.
Q. When will the issue with specific GPU crashes be resolved?
A. We apologize for the delay in addressing this issue, which is specific to GPUs from a certain manufacturer. While we await their resolution, our engineers are working internally to devise our own solutions to ensure a smoother gameplay experience as quickly as possible.
※ A new NVIDIA driver has been released to alleviate this issue. We will continue to monitor community reports and collaborate with NVIDIA to address any additional issues.
Q. What are your thoughts on having the old character animation back?
A. The original animation was developed quite some time ago over a brief period, leading to some deficiencies. Following the motion update, we've indeed seen mixed reactions. Reverting to the previous version might affect Esports and discomfort players accustomed to the current system, and enabling players to switch between the two options will potentially cause performance issues.
Q. Can you share more about anti-cheat measures?
A. As outlined in our roadmap, we are intensifying our focus on anti-cheat measures this year. Our primary goal is to reduce the incidence of wrongful temporary suspensions, with ongoing preparations for deploying relevant solutions. We are committed to progressively enhancing our anti-cheat efforts and demonstrating continuous improvement.
Q. Do you have plans to adjust matchmaking odds for Vikendi in Ranked? I feel like this map appears more frequently than others.
A. We have thoroughly tested map probability and confirmed that matchmaking follows these odds randomly. Moreover, we are currently focusing on enhancements to make Vikendi gameplay more enjoyable.
Q. How are you addressing the use of mouse macros and mice and keyboards on consoles?
A. Our Anti-Cheat Team is actively monitoring the use of mouse macros and the use of mice and keyboards on consoles, striving to implement prompt measures.
Q. Could you create more content for newbies?
A. We are definitely dedicated to creating content that is enjoyable for all players. Please send feedback (especially you beginners!), and we will do our best to discuss it with our dev team.
Q. How are you proceeding with the Ranked rewards update?
A. We previously announced plans to revise Ranked rewards in June. However, please note this is not the final adjustment; we will continue to monitor and update as necessary.
Q. Do you have plans for in-game sound balance adjustments?
A. We began discussing this issue earlier this year. There are challenges, such as overly loud vehicle noises drowning out gunfire and footsteps, which then require further adjustments. We remain in ongoing discussions with our sound team to refine these aspects.
Q. When will collaborative skins be released?
A. You can soon experience new collaborative skins, starting with the Ducati revealed in Update 29.1.
Q. Are there plans to buff the Dacia?
A. We are planning comprehensive adjustments related to all vehicles.
Q. Are there plans for duo Ranked matches?
A. Adding duo Ranked could lead to service issues, such as impaired matchmaking. If introduced, we may need to remove them if they do not meet our internal performance standards, so we are considering this very carefully.
Q. Can you increase the maximum height for Co-op Climb?
A. Current internal feedback suggests that overly free movement to high positions should be restricted. However, we will discuss raising this limit.
Q. Can you add a custom crosshair feature?
A. While we could consider adjusting the current crosshair features, making them fully customizable is challenging at this moment.
Q. Can you lower the height for Emergency Pickups?
A. We have already lowered the height in a previous update and are not planning further reductions. However, we will explore adjusting the frequency of its use to reduce its invincibility.
Q. Are there plans to introduce a feature that allows players to lock out maps they prefer not to play?
A. Unfortunately, this feature could lead to longer matchmaking times and disruptions, making it challenging to implement.
Since the debut of the first episode of PUBG Care Package, we've witnessed a notable return of players with each update, and we are deeply grateful for this every day. Your unwavering support means the world to us - thank you!