PUBG LABS: Futsal Mode


Hello survivors!

We are happy to introduce the Futsal Mode in this LABS where you can compete against each other by playing soccer, rather than fighting with guns.

For players who score the most goals will be given the opportunity to transform into the Premier Leaguer, “Sonny” Heung-Min Son! We guarantee you a new PUBG fun in this turn of the LABS, so try it before it ends.

There are different areas in the field, each with different roles and functions, such as receiving buffs and spawning weapons.

Futsal Field

  • Play Zone

The Buff zone is created and weapons are spawned on a regular basis. When players contacts with the area, the area disappears and a buff is applied to the player at the same time. Pickup the weapons to attack opponents!

  • Buff area intervals: Created every thirty seconds
  • Buff types
    • Receive HP
      • Instant 50 HP increase
    • Increase in traveling speeds
      • 1.2 times increase in speed for fifteen seconds.
  • Weapon types
    • Frypan
    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Crowbar
    • Sawed Off + 12 gauge x2 (spawns on a lower rate but once equipped, you can knock out your opponents for sure!)
  • Penalty Zone

The Penalty Zone plays an important role as it is used as a respawn location for each teams and spawns the Shield. 

  • Respawn
    • Once a player is killed, they respawn in the Penalty Zone. Players cannot move out of the zone when they are invincible for three seconds. 
  • The Shield
    • When a player equipped with the Shield moves out of the Penalty Zone, it gets automatically unequipped and disappears. A new Shield will spawn in the Penalty Zone.

Match Rules

  • Victory Conditions
    • The team to score more goals at the end of the match claims the victory.
    • Exception
      • If the score is even after overtime, the winner will be determined by the following conditions.
        • Team with more kills
        • Team with the MVP
  • Match Time
    • First and Second half followed by overtime if required.
      • First and Second half will run for five minutes each.
        • Five seconds of spawn/setting time will be provided before the match begins.
    • If the scores are even at the end of the match, overtime will begin without delay.
      • Overtime will run for three minutes.

Service Schedule

This round of LABS: Futsal Mode will be open during the following period.

  • PC & Console
    • PDT: July 20, 10 PM – August 2, 0 AM
    • CEST: July 21, 7 AM – August 2, 9 AM
    • KST: July 21, 2 PM – August 2, 4 PM

Service Settings

  • Supports only TPP.
  • 4-man squads(1-man squad is not supported) and a total of two teams can play against each other in one session. 
  • Teamkill is not supported.
  • Players can go into DBNO conditions.
    • HP after reviving: 50
    • When spawning after death, players will remain invincible for three seconds.
  • Only clear weather is provided.


How can players control the ball?

  • Players can control their characters to contact with the ball to dribble. 
    • When the contact with the ball is made during running, the further the ball goes. Try this when you want to shoot or make a long pass. 
  • Punching and melee attacks can be performed to attack opponents.

Is there a foul?

  • No. You are free to smash the head of your enemy and steal their ball.
  • There’s no such thing as offside, lineout or handling. Do whatever you want and can!

Is there a goalie?

  • We provideaShield so that one player from each team can defend their goals.
  • The Shield can cover a large area. At the same time, it can be used topush away your opponents! Try to take advantage of this feature when defending. 
    • Shield can be  equipped inside the penalty line only. If you cross the line with the shield equipped, it will get unequipped automatically.

How do you become Son Heung-min!

  • The player who scores the most goals during the match can transform into “Sonny”, the super hero
    • For male characters, Son’s face, hair and uniform are applied. For female characters, face and hair remain the same.
    • If someone else takes the lead, they then become Son Heung-min. 
  • Once you transform into Son, you benefit fromfull boost with an extra speed increase until the end of the match. 

Notes When Playing in LABS

  • LABS games do not provide XP for gameplay rewards
  • LABS gameplay will not be reflected on the Career page
  • LABS gameplay will not count towards Survivor Pass missions
  • LABS gameplay does not provide BP or additional rewards

The PUBG Team