31.1 Highlights

Live Maintenance Schedule
※ The times shown below are subject to change.
- PC: August 7, 12 AM - 8:30 AM (UTC)
- Console: August 14, 1 AM - 9 AM (UTC)
Map Service
※ PC players can anticipate the next rotation every Wednesday at 2 AM UTC, while Console players can expect the same every Thursday at 7 AM UTC.
Start Date | PC | Console |
Week 1 | August 7 | August 14 |
Week 2 | August 14 | August 22 |
Week 3 | August 21 | August 29 |
Week 4 | August 28 | September 5 |
Live Server - Normal Match
Map Select Regions (AS, SEA)
| Fixed | Favored Map (Rondo, Miramar, Sanhok, Taego) Rotation | Etc. (Paramo, Vikendi, Karakin, Deston) |
Week 1 | Erangel | Miramar | Taego | Rondo
| Karakin
Week 2 | Erangel | Taego | Rondo | Sanhok
| Deston
Week 3 | Erangel | Rondo | Sanhok | Miramar
| Paramo
Week 4 | Erangel | Sanhok | Miramar | Taego
| Vikendi |
Map Select Regions - KR/JP, KAKAO
| Fixed | Favored Map (Miramar,Rondo) Rotation
| Etc. (Paramo, Vikendi, Karakin, Deston)
Week 1 | Erangel | Taego | Sanhok | Miramar
| Deston
Week 2 | Erangel | Taego | Sanhok | Rondo
| Paramo
Week 3 | Erangel | Taego | Sanhok | Miramar
| Vikendi
Week 4 | Erangel | Taego | Sanhok | Rondo
| Karakin |
Random Map Regions - NA, EU, RU, OC, SA & Console
※ Rotations featuring Deston will have a 20% probability for each map. For Weeks 2 and 4, fixed and favored maps will each have a 22% probability and etc. maps will be 11% each.
| Fixed | Favored Map (Taego, Rondo, Vikendi, Miramar) Rotation | Etc. (Deston, Sanhok, Karakin, Paramo) |
Week 1 | Erangel | Vikendi | Miramar | Taego
| Deston
Week 2 | Erangel | Miramar | Taego | Rondo
| Karakin
Week 3 | Erangel | Taego | Rondo | Vikendi
| Deston
Week 4 | Erangel | Rondo | Vikendi | Miramar
| Paramo
Live Server - Ranked
- Erangel (25%) / Miramar (25%) / Taego (20%) / Rondo (20%) / Deston (10%)
- The map service for Ranked is updated on a season-by-season basis.
Dev's comment: Previously, we shared our goal of strengthening the connection between the matches you enjoy watching and those you love playing. As part of this effort, the maps featured in Esports are included as fixed rotations in Ranked. During Season 31, the PUBG Nations Cup 2024 will feature Rondo as the official map following the Esports World Cup 2024. To accommodate this, Rondo will replace Vikendi with a 20% probability in Season 31. We had initially announced that Deston and Rondo would rotate on a seasonal basis for a diverse gameplay experience. However, Deston was not available in Season 30 because both Vikendi and Rondo were included in Esports. As a result, Deston will return to Ranked with a 10% probability in Season 31.
※ Please note that the features and updates described below are subject to change or removal due to issues such as bugs, in-game problems, and community feedback. The images are intended as visual references only; the actual game may look different as the builds are continually developed and refined before release.
Clan System
We're adding a bunch of new features to the Clan system that will double both the rewards and the fun!
New Features
Weekly Mission System
- Your Clan will now have weekly Clan Challenges to work towards and individual Clan Member Missions to complete for various rewards.
- As your Clan finishes Clan Challenges together, you’ll start to rank up your new Clan Supply Airplane’s Class.
- As your Supply Airplane upgrades, you’ll get better rewards from the new Clan Loot Caches you receive for completing Clan Member Missions!

- Clan Challenges are weekly co-op missions.
- Completing Clan Challenges awards Gauge Points for your Clan's Supply Airplane.
- Five challenges are given every week, and completing the current challenge unlocks the next one.
- The goals of the Clan Challenges are based on the number of Clan members when the challenges are unlocked.
- Clans with fewer than 20 members will be given the same goals as Clans with 20 members.
- Supply Airplane
- Supply Airplane's Class (S/A/B/C/D) is assigned based on the number of Gauge Points earned through Clan Challenges.
- Each week, a certain number of Gauge Points are deducted, with the amount depending on the Supply Airplane's Class.
- Gauge Points and Class are finalized every Wednesday at 02:00 UTC, upon a Clan member's entry into the lobby.
- Activity that takes place after 02:00 UTC but before Gauge Points and Class are finalized will not be counted.
- If you start a match before Gauge Points and Class are finalized and return to the lobby after another Clan member, the Clan Member Missions you completed in that match will not be counted.
- Clan Member Missions are weekly individual missions.
- Upon completion, you will instantly receive a new Clan-exclusive reward: the Clan Loot Cache.
- The Class of the Clan Loot Cache you receive corresponds to your Clan Supply Airplane's Class.
- There are five missions available each week, which unlock simultaneously with the respective Clan Challenge.
- Clan Loot Caches
- Clan Loot Caches of all Classes provide a chance to obtain BP, Credits, Imprints, and Polymers.
- There is also a possibility of receiving a Clan Loot Cache of a higher Class as a bonus reward.
- Bonus rewards for B Class and higher Clan Loot Caches include Schematics and G-COIN.
- Can be opened in the Workshop.
Weekly Clan XP Goals

- Reaching each one of the five Weekly Clan XP Goals will award a new Clan-exclusive currency called Clan Tokens.
- Clan Tokens can only be used by the Clan Master or Manager.
- Clans that have achieved the highest level will still be able to complete their Weekly XP Goals but will not accumulate any additional level XP.
Clan Token Exchange

- Clan Tokens can be used to purchase a range of Clan-exclusive items.
- Only the Clan Master or Manager has access to the Clan Token Exchange.
- The items available for purchase vary based on the Clan Level.
- Items bought from the Clan Token Exchange are stored in the Clan Inventory and can only be used by the Clan Master or Manager.
- Purchasable Items
- Clan Tag Plates
- 21 new tag plates have been added.
- Can be equipped in the Clan Inventory once purchased.
- (PC Only) Sandbox Mode Ticket (1 Day)
- Can be used to set up a Sandbox Mode in Custom Match for a designated time period.
- Only the Clan Master or Manager can use the ticket to create a Sandbox Mode.
- Purchases are available only to Clans of Level 3 or higher.
- You can view your remaining usage time on the Clan Management page, and you cannot use an additional Sandbox Mode Ticket while you still have time left.
- After activating a Sandbox Mode Ticket, set up a Sandbox Mode session using the Sandbox Mode toggle that appears when creating a custom match.
- After the match begins, press the , key to customize the Sandbox Mode.
- You can create up to three sessions at a time; however, if the first session is still in the lobby, additional sessions cannot be created.
- Once a session is created, you cannot alter the Sandbox Mode status (on or off).
- Non-Clan members can also join a Clan's Sandbox Mode session.
- Sandbox Mode is not available in Training Mode.
- Hunter's Chest Ticket
- When redeemed, 3 random Clan members will receive Hunter's Chests.
- For Clans with fewer than 3 members, the number of Hunter's Chests awarded will match the total number of Clan members.
- Clan Name/Clan Tag Change
Clan Community Links
- Clan community links (either a Discord or QQ link) can now be added on the Clan Management page. Only the following domains can be registered:
- Clicking the Clan Community Link button will direct you to the external Clan community.
- On Console, editing or viewing the community link is not available when UGC is turned off.
- The Clan Member Activity page, where the Clan Master or Manager can view detailed information about Clan members, has been added to the bottom left corner of the Clan page.
- More Clan news will be shared on the Clan Updates page.
- The wait time to rejoin a Clan has been changed from 24 hours to 48 hours.
Introducing a brand new attachment along with adjustments to existing ones!

New Attachment: Muzzle Brake
- Can be attached to most ARs and DMRs, and some Shotguns.
- Vertical recoil control +10%
- Horizontal recoil control +10%
- Camera shake control when firing +50%
- Available in Normal Match and Ranked.
- Added to Custom Match, Training Mode, and Team Deathmatch.
Attachment Updates
Holographic Sight
- ADS speed has been slightly increased.
- Three new reticles have been added.
Thumb Grip
- Vertical recoil control +8% → +10%
- Recoil recovery after single shot 0% → +10%
Angled Foregrip
- Horizontal recoil control +20% → +25%
Lightweight Grip
- Muzzle rise control +20% → +10%
- Initial shot recoil control +40% → +30%
Heavy Stock (SMG, AR, M249)
- Vertical recoil control +5% → +10%
- Horizontal recoil control +5% → +10%
Attachment Description Updates
- Sway control (breathing) → Sway control when breathing
- Sway Control (firing) → Muzzle rise control
Dev's comment: We've talked about bringing more variety to the gunplay experience in 2024. In addition to the mainstream firearm balancing and SMG Rebalance, we're now adjusting the attachments that play a crucial role in gunplay. So far, attachment use has been limited to one or two choices, often driven by performance advantages rather than personal preference. With Update 31.1, we're introducing the new Muzzle Brake and adjusting the less-used attachments. This will provide more options that can be based on personal preference, situation, and skill level. Although these changes don't directly alter the weapons themselves, we aim to increase variety and enjoyment in your gunplay experience by enhancing the attachments that are essential to it.
World: Rondo

- Enhanced the terrain to prevent players positioned on stone mountains from gaining an excessive advantage.
Season 31
- Ranked weapon skins for the Mk14 have been added as Tier Rewards (permanent) for Season 31.
- The RP system improvements discussed in the Dev Letter: Ranked Revamp will be implemented in a future update rather than in Season 31.
- The leaderboard will reset after the live server maintenance.
- Check out your final Tier from the previous season through your Career page.

Season 30 Rewards
Below are the rewards you'll be receiving based on your final Tier from the previous Ranked season.
| |
Bronze | Bronze PUBG ID Emblem |
Silver | Silver PUBG ID Emblem |
Gold | Gold PUBG ID Emblem Ranked Weapon Skin |
Platinum | Animated Platinum PUBG ID Emblem Ranked Weapon Skin Platinum Medal |
Diamond | Animated Diamond PUBG ID Emblem Ranked Weapon Skin Platinum, Diamond Medal |
Master | Animated Master PUBG ID Emblem Animated Master Nameplate Ranked Weapon Skin Platinum, Diamond, Master Medal |
Top 500 | Bonus rewards for Top 500 players: - Animated Top 500 PUBG ID Emblem
- Animated Top 500 Nameplate
- The Ranked weapon skins and Medals are permanent rewards. The rest of the obtainable rewards are available for use during a single Ranked season.
- The Top 500 rewards are awarded to players at the Master Tier and above.
- Rewards can be found on your Inventory/Edit Profile page once Season 31 starts.
- Once Season 31 is over and the server undergoes maintenance, every reward but the weapon skin and Medal will be withdrawn.
- The Smoke Grenade icon displayed on the Inventory and Throwable Items Wheel will now reflect the currently equipped skin.
- The Throwables category on the Customize - Weapons - Skins page has been changed to 'Consumables.'
- When previewing Smoke Grenade skins on the Customize page, the item image will be displayed instead of the character holding the item.
※ The following updates apply to Custom Match as well.
Team Deathmatch
- Map selection probability for Liana has been adjusted to align with those of other maps.
Casual Mode
- Now resets every day at 2 AM UTC (previously 00:00 UTC).
- Enhanced FPS stability when using high mouse polling rates.
- Enhanced performance stability in situations where multiple players are gathered.
- Improved memory load issues and crashes resulting from insufficient memory.
- Improved loading speed for specific hardware configurations.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the character can turn while emoting if you use an emote when preparing for Co-op Climb.
- Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, players die immediately upon squad wipe, even if they have the Self-AED.
- Fixed an issue where Placement points for the Win Streak Showdown are not being counted.
- Fixed an issue where the function to exit to lobby after a certain period of time does not work in Solo mode.
- Fixed an issue where you can put the Random AR Crate into a trunk in the Intense Battle Royale mode.
- Fixed an issue where weapon shadows are missing in Team Deathmatch.
- (PC) Fixed an issue where, under specific circumstances, characters and firearm sounds are abnormally displayed in Team Deathmatch.
- Fixed collision, texture, performance, and some other general Rondo issues.
- Fixed an issue where paint from the road transfers to the wheels of Aston Martin vehicles in Vikendi.
- Fixed an issue where 'Offline' is displayed for some friends instead of showing when they were last online.
- Fixed the display error of the in-game guide for Win Streak Showdown matches in the Turkish language setting.
- Fixed the misalignment of the UI on the Krafton ID link status pop-up.
- Fixed the degradation of the intro video quality.
- Fixed an issue where the radar animation is missing when Team Finder is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the recall UI remains on the results screen when the entire team is eliminated while waiting for recall.
- (PC) Fixed an issue where assists are not reflected on the observer's screen in Custom Match - Esports Mode.
Items & Skins
※ Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.
- Fixed an issue where the female character's legs turn transparent when wearing the Cyber Survivor Bottom and Ailee's Leggings together.
- Fixed an issue where the character's wrists turn transparent when wearing the Lunchmeat's Hoodie and Byte Me Gloves together.
- Fixed a typo on the Not in the Mood Jacket.
- Fixed an issue where the character's pants are removed when boarding the plane with the Executioner Pants on.
- Fixed an issue where the character's pelvis is incorrectly displayed when using the Squat and Bury Emote.
- Fixed the video playback error of the PUBG x NewJeans Stage Custom Lobby skin.
- Fixed an issue where the item name 'Victory Dance 132' is used for more than one emote.
- Fixed an issue where the attachment floats in the air when shooting with the Rest in Pink - Dragunov skins.