Reminder on Sharing Accounts


Hello players!

Have you ever said yes to a “hey can I borrow your account so I can try out your Progressive Weapon Skin?”

Well, you should always say no when it comes to sharing your account information!

We’ve been receiving many reports on account sharing/rental actions throughout our community; so we’re here today to remind you once again of the importance of protecting your account.

The act of lending your account to others – this includes close friends and family members! – violates our Terms of Service. In other words, you may end up receiving harsh penalties (such as permanent bans and/or removal of PUBG Partner status) the moment your account is shared with others.

Posts prompting and/or suggesting account sharing uploaded to official PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS community channels will be taken down without notice; and of course, you’ll be receiving penalties if you happen to host/participate in such activities.

You will bear full responsibility for your account’s activities – regardless of the situation, you’ll be facing heavy penalties once your account is found to have gone through actions that go against our rules.

The mentioned penalties will not be lifted from your account even if you were unaware of your account activities made by others.

So just remember one thing: never let others use your account!

Thank you.