※ Please keep in mind the features and updates shown below may be modified or even possibly removed due to reasons such as bugs, in-game issues, and/or community feedback. Also, the images shown below are provided as visual guidelines – they may look different in the actual game as builds are continuously developed and fixed before they go live.
Vehicle Spawn Balance in Normal Matches
Vehicle spawns have been adjusted in Erangel and Miramar for Normal Matches.
UAZ: Increased by approximately 20%.
Dacia: Increased by approximately 26%.
Aquarail: Decreased by approximately 22%.
Buggy: Decreased by approximately 11%.
Boat: Decreased by approximately 23%.
Pickup: Increased by approximately 8%.
Mirado: Increased by approximately 18%.
Dev Comment
Based on player feedback on vehicle spawns in large maps like Erangel and Miramar, we’ve increased the spawn rates of relatively hard to find vehicles.
Vehicle Skin
Removed the special effect when equipping Basic vehicle skins.
Pressing the Limited Interaction key will immediately equip Basic vehicle skins.
The special effect for Special vehicle skins will still apply.
(PC) Radio Message
The key binding option for Inventory-related Radio Messages has been added to Settings.
Dev Comment
The option that was missing from the settings from the last patch is being added this update.
You may customize your keys in Settings → Key Bindings.
Folded Shield
Several improvements have been made to the Folded Shield based on our players’ feedback.
After Update
Vehicle Speed(km/h)
1 km/h
10 km/h
Will explode if hit at a speed above 10 km/h.
Grenade Damage
Will get destroyed at this damage.
Weapon Damage
Will get destroyed at this damage.
Installation Time
3 sec
1.5 sec
Reuse Item
You can now put an installed Folded Shield back into your Inventory. *Item durability does not reset.
Cancel Installation
You can now cancel installation. Canceling installation will have the Folded Shield return to your Inventory.
Durability UI
Durability UI for the Folded Shield is now available in your Inventory.
Multi Care Packages
Reduced the number of small Care Packages of the multi Care Package drops in Taego.
Current: Min. 5 / Max. 15
After Update: Min. 5 / Max. 10
Dev Comment
Multi Care Package drops in Taego provide various powerful items, but we’ve also noticed teams obtaining these goods were ending up a bit overly advantageous throughout the game. Therefore, we’ve decided to reduce the possible max amount of small Care Packages.
Item types and quantities will not change.
Food Truck
Default health has decreased from 3000 → 2500.
You can now attach Canted Sight to the O12.
The footstep sound as soon as you stop running/sprinting has been slightly decreased.
Normal Match Matchmaking System
Improved the matchmaking system for Normal Matches to have it work better based on players’ MMR.
Matchmakings that used to be based on your pre-made party’s average MMR will now be based on your party’s highest MMR.
Each player’s match placement will now be based on individual placement, not the team’s.
Other factors of the matchmaking system have been polished as well.
Dev Comment
We’ve thought about how we could improve gameplay in Normal Matches, so we decided it was time to overhaul the whole matchmaking system.
The current matchmaking system is designed as matchmaking in Ranked (based on team’s average MMR), but we noticed through players’ feedback and gameplay that players were more in need of a casual environment where you can test new things out and experience more kills.
This updated matchmaking system for Normal Matches will preserve current squad play mechanics while focusing on individual stats rather than a team as a whole. We will of course continue to monitor your opinions actively after this update and work on improving the matchmaking system moving forward.
Neymar Jr. Collaboration
Collaborative objects such as billboards, building decorations, soccer balls, and Care Packages with Neymar Jr. have been added to every map.
Tutorial – Basic Training
Improved key guide UI for each mission.
Added AI Training Match related pop-up to the end of Basic Training.
Rearranged pop-ups’ content and sequence.
Added new sound effects.
Mission clear
Steel door interactions
Default background sound
AI Training Match pop-up
Custom Match
The number of presets you can save in Custom Matches have been increased from 10 to 50 presets.
Lobby Design
Updated the lobby’s bottom panel button designs to clarify their different states.
Updated the News/Event page and added a navigational menu at the top of the screen.
Updated Ranked leaderboard design.
Updated the colors of the general tier info.
(PC) Added an ESC key icon to full screen pages.
Added a tab menu to Settings.
Reduced the number of options displayed on a single page.
Your options will be saved when you move between tabs, and pressing Apply will apply every change.
Improved UI layout.
Players who use inappropriate profile images will have their profile images changed to the default image.
New item sets have been added to the Hunter’s Chest and Archivist’s Chest.
Survivor Pass: Galaxy Squad
Spring Collection
Victory Dance 85
Victory Dance 86
Victory Dance 87
Make It Rain
Two new item sets have been added to Special Crafting.
Improvements to client performance and hitches by switching vehicle simulations to work on the server-side. However, this update may have moving vehicles at a certain distance appear slightly awkward.
This update will not apply to Stadia.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue of when a player carrying a knocked out teammate gets knocked out, the perspective of the player that was carried gets awkwardly fixated in FPP.
Fixed the Death Cam issue of showing the location a player got on the vehicle, not when the player got off.
Fixed the issue of being able to enter inside rocks after deploying an Emergency Pickup and being able to attack enemies from inside.
Fixed the issue of the Airboat exploding/passenger dying after the Airboat collides with a fence when a player is playing in high ping.
Fixed the issue of items still being spawned in Custom Match – Deston when their spawn rates are set to 0.
Fixed the issue of self-healing not being canceled properly when the Killer carries a knocked out Survivor in PUBG X Dead by Daylight Mode.
Fixed the issue of the generator’s repair complete sound effect not being played when no objects are between the Survivor and the generator.
(PC) Fixed the issue of teammates immediately reviving when a player tries to carry them while prone.
(PC) Fixed the Death Cam issue of not showing the UAZ a player was on when the player dies after the UAZ’s wheels explode.
(PC) Fixed the issue with parties not working properly after the party leader invites a member through Discord and leaves the team.
(PC) Fixed the issue of Instant Volume Reducer applying to a different match and players having to press F7 twice to deactivate the feature.
(PC) Fixed the issue of certain accounts unable to join Ranked through a friend invite.
Fixed collision, texture, performance, and more general issues in Deston and Miramar.
Fixed the issue of the background not showing up for certain item set previews in Customize – Utility.
Fixed the issue of the button not working on the screen of banned players.
Fixed the issue of the awkward size of the fist icon on the kill feed when a player dies from punches.
Fixed the issue of the key guide for heal items showing up when a player gets knocked out.
Fixed the issue of players being navigated to the incorrect screen after pressing the notification message on obtaining emblems/nameplates.
(PC) Fixed the issue of the “Open map and choose your kit” text in Team Deathmatch being shown on the top of the weapon select window.
(PC) Fixed the issue of a player’s Rich Presence not showing the correct status when the player’s spectating a player that killed them.
(PC) Fixed the issue of a player’s Ranked tier icon next to their nickname disappearing after a player returns to the lobby from the Stats page.
(Console) Fixed the issue of the item’s icon of certain items not showing up in Customize.
(Console) Fixed the issue of certain item’s tier colors not showing up after a player moves to another tab after equipping them.
Items & Skins
※ Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.
Fixed the issue of the Scarecrow Gloves hindering the player’s field of view in ADS mode with Kar98k/Mosin Nagant.
Fixed the clipping issue on the ankles when certain shoes are equipped with certain leggings.
Fixed the issue of hands disappearing when a character wearing an Evening Bloom Dress equips a Ghillie Suit.
Fixed the awkward texture of the Moon Lizard Backpack (Level 1).
Fixed the clipping issue when a female character crouches/runs with a Distressed Jean Skirt and School Shoes with Leggings (Black) equipped.
Fixed the issue of the Camo Suit (Highland) hindering a female character’s field of view in FPP.
Fixed the issue of the applied Hairstyle 33 disappearing when a female character equips certain hats/hoodies.
Fixed the clipping issue on the ankles when a male character equips Desert Flower Jeans with Super Scary Tiger Shoes.
Fixed the issue of the color of the Night Hunter Mask changing when a male character equips the mask with certain hoodies.
(PC) Fixed the awkward texture of the Dead by Daylight “The Huntress” Costume’s pants.
(Console) Fixed the issue of a part of the Dead by Daylight “The Huntress” Mask disappearing when a player equips it with a PCS7 Hoodie.
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