Hello, Survivors. First up in this update is the ability to pickup and carry a downed survivor. You can now throw them over your shoulders and bring them with you to victory. Next up, Taego has received a lot of changes. Additional covers are added in some areas, and the terrain has also received improvements. Furthermore, Breakable Pots have items inside so break and loot! Error Space, are special new zones marked on the map that can spawn items featured in other Battlegrounds, so make sure to check the map for locations. In addition, Taego and Paramo have been added to the Ranked. The rulesets have also been changed accordingly, so check out the details below. Many changes have been made to Erangel’s hot place Pochinki, along the Pony Coupe and Porter, Halloween decor and weather on Erangel, the new Trick-or-Treat Progressive M416, and more, so be sure to check them out below for full details.
14.1 Highlights
Console Live Maintenance Schedule
PDT: 13 Oct 9 PM – 14 Oct 4 AM
CEST: 14 Oct 6 AM – 1 PM
KST: 14 Oct 1 PM – 8 PM
Taego Updates
Taego World Improvements
Since the introduction of Taego, we have been continuously analyzing the play history to collect information about the overly advantageous areas on the map. As a result, we discovered that some regions of Taego have a relatively high win rate compared to others. After checking the win rate of the most popular combat zones, objects and terrain improvements were made for the areas with a win rate of 75% or more.
Added cover to the mountain area north of the Palace and the river area east of the Terminal.
Fixed field of view, bends, and cover for areas where terrain composition is difficult to overcome.
Improved the cliff topography in the north of Buk San Sa area.
Corrected the height of the cliffside terrain, which was considered to be OP.
Reorganization of the topography around the School area.
After removing the surrounding trees, added fields.
Covers and hills have been reorganized.
Terrain improvements in some coastal areas.
Redline: Corrected the cliff topography of the entire coast.
Blueline: Removed rocks located around the lighthouse.
Some mountain/river areas:
Green area: Added trees to the hillside.
Magenta Zone: Added flat terrain curves.
Sky Blue Zones: Added cover for areas that lack cover.
Error Space
Introducing the Error Space, this map exclusive feature to Taego allows players to gather other map-exclusive weapons and supplies to be spawned randomly within these zones.
Error Space zones are displayed randomly on the minimap and will be active until the end of the match, so make sure you head to the Error Space early so you don’t miss out!
Game Modes: Custom Match – Players can set the number of Error Spaces. – Players can set the spawning probability of Error Spaces.
Breakable Pot
Various items are placed in Breakable Pots that are placed all over the map. Break the pot to loot multiple items inside and lead the match to victory. However, be aware that the sound of breaking the pot may expose your location to enemies. You may break the pot by punching it, but a few shots with your gun can come in handy.
Game Modes
Normal Match
Custom Match
Spawned Items
Medical Items
First Aid Kit
Boost Items
Adrenaline Syringe
Energy Drink
Frag Grenade
Smoke Grenade
Stun Grenade
Molotov Cocktail
Traditional Hanbok Hat
Comeback BR and UI Improvements
We received much feedback on the inconvenient situations that players experienced while waiting for Comeback BR. Therefore, to provide a better overall experience, we have made the following improvements.
UI Improvements
A warning message will be displayed when trying to leave while spectating Comeback BR.
If you die while being able to participate in Comeback BR, “Exit to lobby” button will be disabled for three seconds.
A timer that indicates the time left until the start of Comeback BR will be displayed.
Comeback BR team UI improvements
Nicknames are now displayed brighter for squadmates who are waiting for Comeback BR to begin.
Vehicle Balance Updates
We gave high low-end torque and excellent stability in consideration of the rugged and mountainous terrains of Taego for its exclusive vehicles. Also, Taego is very difficult to travel without a vehicle. So we have high top max speeds to prevent them from being destroyed easily from attacks. However, we have listened to the voices of our community saying the top speeds were too fast, so we have reduced the top speeds of the vehicles.
Pony Coupe
Normal: Reduced from 140km/h to under 130km/h.
Boost: Reduced from 150km/h to under 140km/h.
Normal: No changes are applied.
Boost: Reduced from 130km/h to under 120km/h.
Ranked Ruleset
Leaver Penalty
The leaver penalty should be applied for players who have died and are qualified for the Comeback BR but choose to leave the match without waiting for the Comeback BR to begin.
Leaver penalty is applied when leaving match during Comeback BR
Erangel Updates
An update has been made to Pochinki, one of the most popular drop points for dropping on Erangel. Until now, it was challenging to escape from Pochinki after early match combat without a vehicle. Also, the surrounding area was made up of fields, which made it easy for the enemies to find you. The following updates have been made to address these difficulties. Last but not least, the quality of the terrain around the map has been improved.
Pochinki Church Renewal
In order to balance with the surrounding two or three-story buildings, we have blocked the church rooftop play.
Added a secret room in the basement of the church where items are spawned. This room can be accessed without a key.
Updated Terrain Around Pochinki
Added waterway.
Added cover.
Added fences.
Fixed terrain height.
Improved Pochinki Terrain Quality.
Halloween Updates
Trick or treat! It’s that season of the year again. To maximize the Halloween vibes, we have finished decorating some parts of Erangel. Knock on the door and shout out trick or treat!
School, Hospital, and the Starting island area have been decorated with the Halloween concept.
Halloween-themed weather, with unique moon color and fog in certain areas, is added.
Game Modes
Normal match
Custom match
Weather Probability
Halloween: 30
Clear: 50
Cloudy: 20
Care Package Smoke Color
Changed to Halloween colors.
Flaregun supply crates are not included.
Placed Mummy Coffins at School, Hospital, and the Starting Island.
New Feature: Carry
Making its way to the Battlegrounds this update is the new Carry feature. Be the hero your team deserves by risking it all to carry an ally to safety or take a downed enemy on the adventure of a lifetime – before they bleed out, that is.
There are pros and cons to picking up a downed player. For one, they’ll serve as a sort of human shield, guarding you against some incoming fire (pro for you, con for them…), but in return, you will not be able to sprint, jump, crouch, prone or hurdle, so make sure you choose your rescue route carefully. You can still fire while carrying a player, but your options are reduced to hip fire only. As for the carried player themselves, their bleed out time will be lowered, and they’ll also be able to spot for you, though their visibility will be limited to whichever way you turn them.
Available on all maps.
You may pick up any downed player (friend or foe) that is not currently self-reviving or being revived.
While carrying a player, the following is true:
The following cannot be used.
Melee weapons
Throwables (includes Gas/Jerry Can)
Emergency Pickup
Emergency Parachute
You and the carried player still take damage separately.
Your movement speed remains the same. However, you cannot crouch, go prone, sprint, jump, or hurdle.
You may still fire your weapon, but from the hip only.
You may not use healing items.
You may not use throwables.
While being carried a player, the following is true:
Your field of vision is limited to the direction your carrier is facing you.
Carried players cannot join you in a vehicle.
When the Carrier starts to swim Carry is canceled and the carried person drops/sinks to the bottom.
You cannot attach to an Emergency Pickup while carrying a player.
You may not use an Emergency Parachute while carrying a player.
Map Rotation
The following are the map rotation plans for this update.
As the Taego and Paramo are added to the Ranked, a separate ruleset is set for Ranked Mode.
Maximum Players: 64
Blue Zone: Same as Normal Matches.
Care Package: Same as Normal Matches.
Red Zone: Not available.
Vehicle Spawn: Added fixed spawning locations.
Only Pony Coupes are spawned in Garages.
Item Spawn: Same as Normal Matches.
Flare Gun: Only available to call in a custom airdrop. BRDM-2 won’t be dropped.
Maximum Players: 32
Blue Zone: Seven Phases.
Item Spawn Increase.
Vehicle Spawn:
Normal Matches: Buggy
Ranked: Rony
Rony is spawned from fixed spawning locations.
Red Zone: Not available.
Weather: Clear.
Ranked Season 14
Season 13 Ranked Mode Rewards
Season 13 has now wrapped up and it’s time to enjoy your rewards, after a hard-fought season of Ranked. Rewards will be automatically distributed to your inventory upon login at the beginning of Season 14.
Season 13 rewards are granted based on your final end-of-season rank.
Reward List
Bronze PUBG ID Emblem
Silver PUBG ID Emblem
Gold PUBG ID EmblemRanked Parachute Skin
Animated Platinum PUBG ID EmblemRanked Parachute Skin
Animated Diamond PUBG ID EmblemRanked Parachute Skin
Animated Master PUBG ID EmblemAnimated Master NameplateRanked Parachute Skin
Top 500
Bonus rewards for Top 500 players: Animated Top 500 PUBG ID EmblemAnimated Top 500 Nameplate
Unlocked Rewards
The earnable rewards above will be ‘unlocked’ for a single Ranked Season only (except for the permanent Parachute Skin reward) for the purpose of featuring a player’s seasonal accomplishments.
Players will only receive the reward for the highest rank they get just before a Ranked season ends.
Players can find their Unlocked Rewards in the inventory at the start of a new Season.
Once the server undergoes maintenance after a Ranked Season ends, we will be collecting players’ Unlocked Rewards from their inventories.
Comeback BR in Ranked
Player kills that happen during the Comeback BR will count as valid kills.
Team Placements
Team Placements are calculated the same way as long as the spectate system works the same way. This means:
Players who are alive and participating in the comeback BR can be spectated by their dead teammates.
Raised Entry Level in Ranked
We have raised the Survival Mastery level of the Ranked entry limit from level 40 to level 80.
NA Server
TPP Solo will be closed with the Update 14.1.
WSUS Updates
New Progressive Weapon Skin – Trick-or-treat M416
You can view upgraded features for each level of your Progressive Weapon Skin. Consume materials to upgrade your Progressive Weapon Skins.
Progressive Weapon Skin Rundown
Schematics and Polymer are required.
Upgrading your Progressive Weapon Skin will unlock the features for each level one by one. More schematics and polymers will be needed to get to the next level.
Upgrades cannot be reverted to the previous level.
The Trick-or-treat M416 Progressive Skin levels unlock the following:
Basic Skin Cosmetic (Level 1 appearance)
Magazine / Muzzle Skin x6
Uncommon Skin Cosmetic (Level 2 appearance)
Total Kills Battlestat
Inspect Animation
Killfeed Skin
Grip / Stock Skin x7
Rare Skin Cosmetic (Level 3 appearance)
Loot Crate Skin
Scope Skin x7
Contraband Crate
Sales Period:
October 13 2021, 9 PM PDT – January 30 2022, 8 PM PST
October 14 2021, 6 AM CEST – January 31 2022, 5 AM CET
KST: October 14 2021, 1 PM – January 31 2022, 1 PM
New Items
[PROGRESSIVE] Trick-or-treat – M416
Gourd Smasher – Pan
Glory – UMP45
Gold Plate – AKM
Bewitched – AWM
Bewitched – Beryl M762
Bewitched – Vector
Gold Plate – Groza
Lucky Knight – SKS
Lucky Knight – M24
Gold Plate – AWM
Silver Plate – SCAR-L
Silver Plate – S12K
Waffle Cone – M16A4
Waffle Cone – S686
Waffle Cone – R1895
Toxic – S1897
Turquoise Delight – P1911
Gold Plate – UMP45
Gold Plate – Sawed-Off
Silver Plate – UMP45
Silver Plate – Tommy Gun
Gold Plate – Vector
Cobalt Callsign – K2
Cobalt Callsign – Micro UZI
Cobalt Callsign – SLR
Cobalt Callsign – UMP45
Cobalt Callsign – G36C
Cobalt Callsign – S1897
Cobalt Callsign – P18C
Gold Plate – Win94
Silver Plate – VSS
Silver Plate – AUG
Silver Plate – S1897
Silver Plate – DP-28
Rugged (Orange) – M4
Rugged (Orange) – AKM
Polymers x200
Polymers x100
Polymers x50
Sale Period:
October 13 2021, 9 PM PDT – January 30 2022, 8 PM PST
October 14 2021, 6 AM CEST – January 31 2022, 5 AM CET
KST: October 14 2021, 1 PM – January 31 2022, 1 PM
New Items
200 G-Coin
1800 G-Coin
Contraband Coupon x10
Scrap Broker
Sales Period:
October 13 2021, 9 PM PDT – January 30 2022, 8 PM PST
October 14 2021, 6 AM CEST – January 31 2022, 5 AM CET
KST: October 14 2021, 1 PM – January 31 2022, 1 PM
[PROGRESSIVE] Trick-or-treat – M416
3000 Scrap
3000 Scrap
[BATTLESTAT] Fractured Element – AKM
1000 Scrap
[BATTLESTAT] Fractured Element – Mini14
1000 Scrap
[BATTLESTAT] Cataclysmic Magma – M416
1000 Scrap
[BATTLESTAT] Cataclysmic Magma – SKS
1000 Scrap
600 Scrap
Contraband Coupon
10 Scrap
Lobby Updates
The Halloween theme has been applied to the lobby and its background music.
UI/UX Improvements
We wanted the Nameplate animations to be shown better so we delayed the appearance of emblem, nickname, level, and medal.
The font size was reduced as well.
QOL Improvements
Key Guides
We have improved the key guides for vehicle types and actions (ex. Motorcycle – Lean Back) to provide a more accurate and detailed experience.
Xbox Safe Area
Safe Area had to be reset every time the monitor was turned on. However, with this update, you can maintain the display status of the Safe Area once it is set up.
Area ratio setting value
Default: Displays 100% of the output display.
Minimum Value(50): Only 50% of the output display’s horizontal area is displayed.
Maximum Value(100): Displays 100% of the output display’s horizontal area.
Key Hint Widget Optimization
Frame drops and hitching are reduced.
Item descriptions will now pop up when players hover their mouse focus over Set previews.
The release date for the Progressive Weapon Crate will now be displayed on the Store featured page.
Selecting the new banner will take you to the Progressive Weapon Crate menu.
Items & Skins
Sales period is subject to change.
Halloween items will be introduced separately through an upcoming announcement.
Fresh Hood
Sale Begins:
PDT: October 26 2021, 9 PM.
CEST: October 27 2021, 6 AM.
KST: October 27 2021, 1 PM.
Sale Begins:
PDT: October 19 2021, 9 PM.
CEST: October 20 2021, 6 AM.
KST: October 20 2021, 1 PM.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue of the BZ Grenade pin flying to the back of the character when cooking grenade.
Fixed the sound being inaudible when player is hit by melee weapons.
Fixed the issue of the small multi-drop care package’s collision range seeming bigger than it looks.
Fixed the issue of the killfeed message making it hard for players to drag items that are on the bottom of inventory.
Fixed the sound being inaudible when player is descending with a parachute after jumping off of plane.
Fixed the issue of the incorrect visual effects (VFX) being rendered when vehicle collides with wall in a sunny weather setting.
Fixed the issue of Porter getting destroyed right away when shot by Panzerfaust.
Fixed the issue of Pony Coupe’s and Porter’s speed not lining up with the speed dashboard.
Fixed the issue of being unable to kill a different player intermittently appearing and disappearing.
Fixed the issue of grenade moving to and exploding in a spot different from the thrown position.
Fixed the incorrect camera position issue when player shoots from vehicle in Death Cam.
Fixed the issue of the observer getting reported when observer reports a different player through Observer Mode’s player list.
Fixed the issue of players falling through stairs when playing with unstable network.
Fixed the issue of players being able to shoot while driving a vehicle after changing their primary weapon.
Fixed the issue of player’s game mode being automatically set as Taego’s or Casual Mode’s settings regardless of the player’s most recently played map.
Fixed the custom mode issue of players receiving damage from shotguns even though the bullet damage for each body part setting was set to 0.
Fixed general bugs in Erangel and Taego.
Fixed the issue of Korean being shown in the Refund Policy message when purchasing G-Coins in a language setting that is not Korean.
Fixed the issue of the Random Crate UI overlapping with the Back button.
Fixed the issue of global regions’ game client showing game rating text.
Items & Skins
Fixed the clipping issue with character’s skin when equipping Taego Survivor Tee.
Fixed the goggle texture issue of Crimson Cadet – Helmet (Level 1) when dropped on floor.
Fixed the transparent ankle issue when female character equips both Cheerleader Sneakers and PGI.S Tactical Pants.
Fixed the clipping issue with armpits when male character equips Sleeveless Turtleneck and does the Victory Dance 61 emote.
Fixed the clipping issue with forehead when most female characters equip only the Blood Hound Muzzle.
Fixed the issue of incorrect transparency of the glass part when equipping Moon Seeker Helmet.
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