Vikendi has been available as a Featured Map since its first introduction back in Update #21.1. The Featured Map queue was sustained to allow players to enjoy our winter wonderland whenever they wished, but at the same time we received continuous reports from certain regions on issues with Normal Match matchmakings.
We looked into matchmaking data and map usage rates based on these reports and proceeded to internal discussions - in conclusion, we decided it'd be best to prioritize active queues for a better gameplay experience for every player. Therefore, the Featured Map will be taken down from regions with random map selection starting this #21.2 live update.
Instead, Vikendi will be added to the Normal Match pool with an increased matching rate of 40% so players will still be able to meet and play Vikendi more often. There are even more new updates for Vikendi this #21.2, so we encourage you to try them out and leave us your feedback as always!
※ Please note the features and updates introduced below may be modified or even possibly removed due to reasons such as bugs, in-game issues, and/or community feedback. Also, images used below are provided as visual guidelines - features may turn out looking different in the actual game as builds are continuously developed and fixed before they go live.
Blizzard Zone
At some point within the howling devastation of snow, a severe snowstorm accompanied by whistling winds begin to ravage the silent ground. Dare to step into the whipping storm and you shall face pure numbness to your senses - welcome to the Blizzard Zone.
Once you enter the Blizzard Zone...
You will move slower.
You will receive consistent damage per second.
Your sight and soundplay will be hindered.
Vehicle control will be harder.
A Blizzard Zone warning message along with its activated area UI on the world map will show up on your screen during the match.
Kill messages for the Blizzard Zone have been added.
Available in Normal Matches and Custom Matches.
Available in Vikendi only.
< Dev's Comment >
The fierce Blizzard Zone is now available this update. This Vikendi-exclusive Zone has been designed based on the other maps' Red/Black Zone's features, activation phase and location, duration, size, damage, affected gameplay aspects, effect range and more. Watch out as the Blizzard Zone will definitely tatter your health, movement speed, soundplay and vision (including Scopes!) etc. so make sure to duck out of the hazardous Zone as soon as possible!
Secret Room
Scour deeply into the snow and perhaps you'll stumble upon a Secret Room full of high-tier items.
Secret Rooms holding valuable items are scattered throughout the map.
Obtain the world spawn item Security Key to open a Secret Room.
Available in Normal Matches and Custom Matches.
Available in Vikendi only.
< Dev's Comment >
Land your hands on items you won't be able to casually find on the map! Here's a tip: as the risks are relatively high when you wish to get back out of the Secret Room, we've installed something handy inside so try to find and use it for a safer getaway!
Repair Kits
Have you damaged your hard-earned armor or vehicle? No worries, the three new Repair Kits have arrived to save the match.
3 Repair Kits have been added.
Helmet Repair Kit
Repairs a helmet to full health.
Armor Repair Kit
Repairs armor to full health.
Mechanic's Toolbox
Repairs 500 health for vehicles.
Can not repair vehicle tires.
Can repair every type of vehicle.
However, fully-drowned vehicles can not be repaired.
Can only be used while inside the vehicle.
Can not be used while driving.
Can not be used when holding your breath.
More than one player can simultaneously repair a single vehicle.
However, repairs will be instantly canceled once the vehicle is fully repaired.
Repair Kits can not be used on destroyed helmets/vehicles.
Repair kits are consumable items.
Repair kits will world spawn with a relatively low spawn rate.
Available in Normal Matches and Custom Matches.
Available in Vikendi only.
Repair Kits have been added to Custom Match - Sandbox mode.
The multidrops that were only witnessed in Taego will now be falling from Vikendi's skies as well.
Multiple care packages holding high-tier weapons, armor, consumables, and more will be randomly dropped during a match.
Available in Normal Matches and Custom Matches.
Available in Vikendi only.
Additional Updates
Vikendi-exclusive road signs that can navigate you through the snow have been added throughout the map.
The unused Cable Car station has been removed from the northeast part of Coal Mine.
Item types have been updated and spawn spots have been increased in buildings with garages (that can only be opened using Crowbars).
A few vehicles have been found to spawn overlapping with foliage or fences, so we have slightly moved their spawn spots to a more open area.
(1/20) We are currently looking into an issue where a loss of grass was discovered at a certain area in Sanhok after its updates below. The fix will be applied to the #22.1 update.
We've reflected a bunch of player and internal feedback regarding gameplay in Sanhok.
Ascendershave been added to Cave and rock mountains.
Ascender Attachments will provided as starting items.
An additional bridge connecting the northwest island and east island (Bootcamp) has been added.
An additional bridge connecting the northwest island and southwest island (Ruins) has been added.
Made the area's water deeper to allow you to swim across.
Sanhok themed billboards have been added throughout the map.
Sand terrain has been added to certain areas for a more convenient trek.
Added even more general cover such as boulders and trees.
Terrain and foliage texture have been generally improved.
As we say goodbye to the end-of-year holidays, LINE FRIENDS decorations also take their leave from Paradise Resort.
Additional boat spawn spots have been added to Ranked.
Boat spawn locations have been slightly shifted closer to land for easier access.
This applies to both Normal and Ranked matches.
Screen Ping Marker
A few improvements to the Screen Ping Marker.
Screen Ping Markers will be automatically deleted after 120 seconds (previously 30).
A player's Screen Ping Marker will be instantly removed if they leave the match or lose connection.
Report Player
Previously, you were only able to report players who killed you or players you're spectating. Now, you can report players who assisted in killing you.
Click the Report button located on the bottom of your death screen → Select the assisted player.
Training Mode
Pretty good at beating up your friends at the 1v1 Arena? You can now show off your winning streak (WIN) starting this update!
Winning streaks at the 1v1 Arena will now be recorded after the live server update.
The winning streak UI will be shown on the following screens:
Lower left of your screen during a 1v1 Arena match
Below your nickname on every Round Finished screen
Below your nickname on the Match Finished screen
Top of spectator's screens
Your winning streak will be reset to 0 once you lose a 1v1 Arena match.
A tied result will not affect your winning streak.
1v1 Arena matches that end due to the Training Mode session's time out will result in a tie and not affect your winning streak.
Winning streaks are separately recorded for normal Training sessions and Custom Matches.
Map-related UI has been added to Normal Matches and Ranked.
The name of the map you're playing will show on the screen once you enter the starting island.
Map name, mode, and perspective information have been added to the top left screen of the world map.
This information will be removed once you board the plane.
Available in Normal Matches and Ranked.
Updated every map's minimap image to the newest versions on the map selection page.
Certain information has been updated in Career - Overview (Ranked) - About Ranked.
Crafter Pass: Spring Fest 2023
A new Crafter Pass is prepared to host the first festival of the year. Read more details on the upcoming January Store Update announcement!
Added two new progressive weapon skins - the Azure Dragon - Beryl M762 and Black Tortoise - SKS - craftable only through Special Crafting at the Workshop! Check out the full details on the upcoming January Store Update.
The Special Crafting - Spring Fest 2023 tab will be available for crafting and using purchased Spring Fest 2023 materials until:
PST: March 6, 4 PM
CET: March 7, 1 AM
KST: March 7, 9 AM
PDT: March 13, 9 PM
CET: March 14, 5 AM
KST: March 14, 1 PM
Improved physics engine performance to enhance game loading speeds.
Optimized memory using animation to enhance memory usage.
(Console) Increased file reading speed on Xbox to improve in-game loading speeds such as parachute use, starting spectate, etc.
Bug Fixes
General in-game bugs have been fixed.
Fixed the issue where you're unable to use the Free Look feature while using an emote when you board the plane or when the plane is descending.
Fixed the issue where you get knocked out from falling when a crash occurs while you're Following a player.
Fixed the issue where you are able to use Carry while using specific Emotes.
(PC) Fixed the issue where you are able to use primary weapons other than SMGs in the back seat of two-wheeled vehicles.
(PC) Fixed the issue where you are unable to revive the teammate you were carrying after you get knocked out and revived.
(PC) Fixed the issue where you and your teammates can jump abnormally high after pressing the Jump button continuously near a wall.
Fixed collision, texture, performance, and more general issues in Vikendi and Sanhok.
Re-added an item spawn spot that was missing from a certain building in Vikendi, Winery.
Fixed the issue where you teleport to a specific location after vaulting and withdrawing the Folded Shield inside a Cable Car.
Fixed the issue where the sound of footsteps in a certain bathroom in Vikendi sounded like footsteps on dirt.
Fixed the issue where throwables and ammo passed through one side of the flag in Vikendi, Cosmodrome.
Fixed the air vents' animation error in Vikendi, Train Station.
Fixed the incorrectly used texture of a certain staircase in Vikendi.
Fixed the issue where you receive damage when landing on a signboard in Vikendi, Train Station.
Fixed the issue where throwables can not pass through windows in Vikendi.
Fixed the issue where you receive damage and die after parachuting on to a building roof in Sanhok.
Fixed the issue where the last Safe Zones are being set in the outer, unavailable areas of the map in Paramo.
Fixed the issue where the Daily Mission count increases when you complete the Daily Mission Contender mission.
Fixed the issue where a certain design was not shown on the map selection page.
Fixed the spacing issue in the Daily Supply Mission page.
Fixed the Japanese error in Training Mode - ESC - 'Exit Training Mode'.
(PC) Fixed the issue of hearing the Store item sound effect when you hover your mouse over a specific location on the screen when another window is covering the game in Windowed mode.
(PC) Fixed the issue where a sound effect is heard when you hover or click the bottom UI of Survival Level/Last Weapon Kill/Last Medal Earned in the Career - Overview page.
(PC) Fixed the issue where your character still has the Backpack equipped even when you remove the equipment previews for Preset slots 1~3 in Customize.
(Console) Fixed the issue of the swapped Pickup Item/Replace Attachment keybindings.
Items & Skins
※ Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.
Fixed the issue where your wrists turn transparent after equipping the Tormented Knight Gloves with the Miramar Biker Jacket/Erangel Biker Jacket.
Fixed the clipping issue on a female character's lower body when equipping PGC 2022 Pants with the Vigilante Jacket.
Fixed the issue where a male character's ankles turn transparent after equipping the Lipovka Slacks with the Battle-hardened Legacy Boots.
Fixed the issue where a female character's arms turn transparent in FPP when equipping the PLAYERUNKNOWN's Trenchcoat.
Fixed the issue where a female character's wrists turn transparent when equipping the Twitch Rivals Bomber Jac
Fixed the issue where the fur of the Snowbelle Boots turns transparent when looking at them in FPP.
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