Hello, players.
Since the unveiling of the Aston Martin collaboration, the third Special Vehicle skins in PUBG, a diverse array of opinions has poured in from players regarding this new addition. We'd like to address some of the key aspects that you've raised, regarding gameplay effects associated with the Aston Martin skins.
1. About the Special Vehicle Skin
The Special Vehicle skin was conceived as a unique type of skin that alters the modeling/form of the vehicle, going beyond the conventional practice of altering textures on existing vehicles.
The first collection of Special Vehicle skins was introduced through the McLaren collaboration in 2022, followed by the Steampunk-themed SUV skin in April of this year. Most recently, the Aston Martin collaboration has brought forth new Special Vehicle skins. When these skins are applied, the existing vehicles - UAZ, Pickup, Zima, and Coupe RB - assume distinct appearances.
In our pursuit of developing Special Vehicle skins, our development team places utmost importance on meticulously preserving the original details. With the transformation of the existing vehicles, our meticulous focus is directed towards encapsulating the unique characteristics of the real vehicles within the Special Vehicle skins. Particularly in the case of collaborations with other brands, our focal point is meticulously integrating the 3D modeling of the actual vehicle to grant players a sensation of owning the virtual representation of the vehicle within the game space. Simultaneously, we made sure that the pre-existing vehicle specifications are maintained even after applying the Special Vehicle skins.
With regard to the Aston Martin skins, our efforts were dedicated to maximizing the intricate details inherent in the original vehicle's design, with a special emphasis on replicating the interior design and mesh components as faithfully as possible. However, in the course of this implementation, certain aspects of the skins exhibited some in-game effects that were not originally intended by us.
In the case of Special Vehicle Skins, the modeling changes can lead to unintended advantages or disadvantages depending on the situation. Our development team is considering and developing the skins with the perspective that it's acceptable to encounter a minor disadvantage when using a skin. However, we have reviewed the feedback from many players and would like to provide a more detailed explanation regarding the current situation.
2. Regarding Specific Gameplay Effects of Aston Martin Skins
The current discourse within the community revolves around two primary issues: 1) the damage radius of grenades and 2) the obstruction of headshots due to elevated vehicle seats.
1) Addressing Grenade Damage Radius
To comprehensively elucidate the grenade damage radius associated with the Aston Martin skins, it is essential to clarify the prevailing grenade damage structure in PUBG.
When a grenade is hurled in-game, its damage is inflicted upon characters within the grenade's blast radius, with the extent of the damage varying based on distance. If there exists a form of cover, such as a building, within the radius of grenade damage, the design ensures that no damage is inflicted on the side opposite to the point of the throw. This mechanism is devised to consider not only structural components like buildings, but also objects such as iron gates with narrow cracks and vehicles with lower profiles.
The "V12 Vantage Roadster" Sports Car skin, one of the Aston Martin skins currently under scrutiny, was designed as a low-profile vehicle aimed to faithfully mirror the real vehicle model. This inadvertently led to situations where characters do not receive damage from grenades detonated on the opposite side.
Merging the structure of the original content with the new content unfortunately has produced unexpected outcomes. Our development team is currently discussing solutions for these improvements. To address the issue of not taking damage from grenades in certain situations, it may be more necessary to revalidate and modify the grenade damage structure rather than modify certain vehicles or Special Vehicles Skins. However, if the grenade damage structure is modified, it could significantly influence the overall grenade gameplay experience that players are used to. Therefore, due to the need for extensive discussions and verification steps, we hope you understand that we cannot immediately promise a fix.
2) Headshot Obstruction Due to Elevated Vehicle Seats
The issue surrounding Aston Martin's "elevated vehicle seats obstructing headshots", which has garnered substantial feedback, also stems from the faithful integration of one of the distinctive features of the original Aston Martin vehicles – the elevated vehicle seats. In PUBG, vehicles adhere to a system where damage assessment is contingent on their visual attributes. This principle equally applies to Special Vehicle skins with altered modeling. As a result, the elevated vehicle seats (specifically the headrest portion) of the Aston Martin skins happened to become a barrier against incoming hits to the head.
While the consistent application of these rules to all vehicles initially seemed unproblematic, this inadvertently rendered the head – a crucial vulnerability in PUBG – impervious to damage.
After deliberate consideration of player feedback, our development team arrived at a decision to amend the Aston Martin skins, enabling headshots to penetrate the headrest portion of vehicle seats in the forthcoming #25.1 live server update.
This modification is achieved while retaining the visual integrity of the original Aston Martin vehicles, thereby eliminating the need for additional modeling adjustments. To elaborate further, this modification enables penetration of the headrest portion, distinguishing it from other vehicles. Admittedly, this deviation from the established PUBG norms might appear visually unconventional, yet this choice was prompted by a belief in the paramount importance of mitigating the advantages arising from the skin's application.
3. Conclusion
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for sharing your invaluable insights concerning the Aston Martin Special Vehicle skins. We warmly encourage you to sustain your interest and active involvement on the test server, as we remain committed to diligently assessing and integrating your feedback.
While we pledged to enhance our communication methods, we acknowledge that there are still aspects that require attention. This experience has spurred us to explore more effective means of engagement than our current approach. Your unwavering affection for PUBG does not go unnoticed, and we sincerely request your continued enthusiasm and support as we continue on this journey together.
Thank you.