For that one Chicken Dinner, we all go through numerous challenges and failures. They can sometimes be epic and, on other occasions, a little funky! Here, we’re introducing the PUBG Epic Fails Contest, where you can share your epic moments of failures on your social media and win rewards.
Participating in the contest is easy peasy lemon squeezy. Capture your moment of challenges and post it on your social media with a few hashtags! Read on for details.
Here’s how to participate
Video record your moments of epic failures.
A good example of an epic failure: Pointless deaths during combat, dying just before getting your Chicken Dinner, absurd stunts, or any other hilarious mistakes a newbie could make.
Post the video clip on your social media channel with the following hashtags.
Essential hashtags: #PUBGEpicFails #PUBGFAILS
Must include the following: PUBG in-game nickname, the platform you play on (PC, Xbox, Stadia, etc.)
Your posting must be public.
* Essential hashtags may vary by region. Please check the regional community notice.
Submit your entries on any of the following social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Weibo
You can only participate with video clips recorded on PC (Steam, Kakao), PlayStation®, Xbox,andStadia.
Your in-game nickname must be shown accurately in the video.
Do not change your in-game nickname during the event period. All entries with changed in-game nicknames will be excluded from the event.
You must post your video clip. If not, it will be excluded from the event.
The weekly best and final winners are selected through regional screening, and we will contact the winners separately.
Final winners (22 entries)
20,000 G-Coin
Survivor Pass (#16.2)
Weekly best (100 entries per week)
Random G-Coin box (contains at least 500 – 50,000 G-Coin)
The event schedule is as follows. Only entries posted within the period will be reviewed, so don’t forget to participate with your epic moments of failures within the period!
Event Period
PST: January 26 2022, 11 PM – February 22 2022, 11 PM
CET: January 27 2022, 8 AM – February 23 2022, 8 AM
KST: January 27 2022, 4 PM – February 23 2022, 4 PM
Winner Announcement
PST: 27 February 2022, 11 PM
CET: 28 February 2022, 8 AM
KST: 28 February 2022, 4 PM
See you on the Battlegrounds.
PUBG: Battlegrounds Team
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